Friday Fictioneers!!

One of the things I love about Friday Fictioneers is the wonderful photos provided by Madison Woods that just jar the creativity. I can be in an editing/revising slump, see one of the pictures, and the story unfolds in my head. Love when that happens.

And, apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment. Starting this past Wednesday, writer Jennie Coughlin started a Rory’s Story Cube Challenge–a story a week for 108 weeks! You can read about it here. Then, read the story I wrote for the first challenge.

Be creative twice in the same week? Oy!

Here’s today’s Friday Fictioneers’ inspiration photo:

And here’s the 100-word story:

The Last Druid

We expected the trees to bow in grief when the bier passed. That the plants and flowers slumped was no shock, for on our shoulders we bore The Last Druid, and the growing things mourned.

We placed the bier in the clearing at the center of the ancient stone circle, and we said the old words in that unfamiliar tongue, the words she had taught us and gave us the charge to remember.

The time for words over, we put the bier on the boat, lit the fires, and shoved it into the lake.

And even the rocks wept.


For more 100-word flash fiction from the Friday Fictioneers, go to Madison Woods’ blog. Have a read; leave a comment; join us.

27 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers!!

  1. Dear maggie,

    Your story joins the flood of creativity that Madison’s picture has called from thin air. Another impressive rendering of a world vanished (only because we refuse to see). Love it.



    • Thanks, Doug! I blush with humility. 😉 That’s what’s been great about Madison’s Friday Fictioneers–it’s a safe place to stretch your fiction a little and try something you might not normally write.

  2. How very sad, can just imagine the heaving shoulders of trees as bow in grief. That last line is so powerful, nice work.

  3. You know., this story is really beautiful and beautifully told. The ancient ritual, all perfect – except for one little thing. “and shoved it into the lake.” The word “shoved” is wrong, it jars against the beauty of the bier. “Pushed” would be better, “guided” might be even better, but not shoved. You shove your classmates, not your beloved last druid…
    Yours helpfully,
    here is mine:

      • In my Funeral by flame TV watching and film viewing, I would have to say, that the boat is guided into the water – that usually several folk wade in with it – then light it – and also, it takes awhile for it to become the raging inferno necessary to reduce the being to atoms and ash.

  4. I loved this story, and it was a great opening to my reading of today’s fictioneers. You kept the pace and style beautifully, but I have to agree with the previous comment – shoved leapt out at me as a careless and unnatural act in such a loving ritual. There are so many alternatives – “edged” or even just “sent” work for me (although you’d need to change into to onto for these options) but you may prefer others.

  5. two things –

    1. i don’t really know entirely what was happening in your story. i don’t know what a bier is, but i also don’t need to know what it is.

    2. it doesn’t matter because i could “feel” everything that the plants and rocks were feeling. there are several places where you could have saved at least 10 or more words, but the most important thing is that i know something devastating has happened, so much that even rocks are sad. nice going.

  6. Loved your last line most of all, that even the rocks wept. That swept me with a powerful emotion. Always a sucker for druid stories!

  7. Great.

    The last line ‘even the rocks wept’ is very powerful: rocks are inert aren’t they? but they too are part of nature. A tree is living, a rock, it’s a rock. But they wept. Very nice. Also, in the dog days of summer on the east coast, when each breath is like drinking steeped tea, the rocks around here do indeed weep.

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